Did you know that the beginning of healing any area of your health, body or life starts with wellness coaching?

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Your Personal Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
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Wellness Coaching starts today, starts now.

Finally, you can discover your gifts with a wellness coach and live your best life.

All in all, your gifts are real and it is time you focus on yours!

THIS is what I chose to do!  Focus on my gifts…

  • Have owned my own online business for over 15 year…
  • Love to design clothes and read books…
  • I enjoy cooking healthily, living healthy and gardening
  • Keeping in shape with Functional Suspension Straps, bouncing on an indoor trampoline and outdoor cycling.
  • My better half and I love to travel together…

My mission is to help and inspire you towards better health and overall wellness. Together with, drawing out the best in you with the objective that you can live you best life!

Wellness Coaching starts today when you decide to listen to your inner self..

Hi, thank you for visiting Balance Life and Heal. Wellness Coaching starts today.

Enjoy My Story…

There is no doubt that my decision to become a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach is a direct result of many years of dealing with my own health issues.  That is, having asthma at a very early age in my life to developing a tumor in my abdomen and only given one year to live.  

For instance, my asthma was debilitating.  At the age of 45, I could barely walk up the stairs.   I felt like I was 80!  It was a wake up call for me.  I decided to take on outdoor cycling.  At first, I would go 4-6 miles but the more I rode the better and further I went.  My lungs got clearer and I did my first 100 miles at age 50!  I am an avid cyclist and it also keeps my lungs open.

Later, haven been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor that occurred in the gastrointestinal tract was the scariest wake up call of my life!  After learning that I only had one year to live my sample slides were sent to a GIST specialist in Australia.  They confirmed it was benign, however, I did loose 18 inches of my colon.

All in all, about 7 years ago my husband was diagnosis with pre-diabetes and albumin” (this is when the kidneys leak protein into the urine).  This is an early sign of kidney disease.  At that point we decided to eliminate animal protein from our diets.  (learn more)  

As a result, his most resent check up from his doctor was as follows:  “Good news, your lab work was fine. This is soo important because your kidney protein levels have normalized.  The kidney damage has actually slightly started to improve.  Keep up the good work”.

Here’s what I did towards improving my health and wellbeing

Consequently, by implementing a Whole Food Plant Base diet (recipe ideas) and my love for outdoor cycling, I have created balance in my life and in my husbands overall well being. 

As a Certified Nutrition Health Coach, I’ve come to understand that wellness coaching starts today.

Most importantly, it allows me to help people with similar issues, as well as, digestive issues, asthma, auto immune issues and weight loss.

Take the next step with a personal coaching approach towards wellness

In summary,  If your personal goal is to improve your health and you want to have a coach to help guide you, just email me directly for a 30 minute FREE consultation.  Taking control and being responsible for your wellness is what I coach you to do.

Ms. Mona
Certified Nutrition Health Coach.
Trained with:  The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC

Phone: 661 360 9893
Email: msmona@balancelifeandheal.com

My Passions....

I am so excited about sharing my passions with you.  In life, sometimes we get stuck and I know this because I have been stuck many times.

There are times when everything seems to be going smoothly and others where ever we turn everything is out of balance.  Our diet is off, our relationships are dysfunctional, our exercise routines are non-existing and our working environment is chaotic.

I have learned, in order to help others you need to help get yourself right.  I have learned that balance is key and it starts with you.  It starts with understanding what your primary gifts and values are and prioritizing them, prioritizing yourself. 

It is my passion to inspire individuals through guidance and support.  My goal is to help people make small behavioral changes towards their personal goals.